Fee Structure
Adopt an Infant’s fee structure is designed to have hopeful adoptive families pay a small monthly fee. We no longer believe that people hoping to adopt should pay a large upfront fee to anyone to help them find an adoption match. There are many adoption professionals who ask for large upfront fees, they also have an expiration date on how long the fee is good. If you are not matched within a set time you lose your money. What is the motivation to match you if they can keep your money if you fail?
Putting all your adoption hopes and dreams in the hands of one entity is no longer recommended. That may have worked years ago when there were more women considering adoption but not in today’s world of where fewer women choose adoption.
We have changed our payment structure to account for the changes in the number of adoption situations. Families hoping to adopt need to cast a wider net and pay as little up front as possible.
Our new payment structure allows families to be featured on our websites www.adoptaninfant.com and www.placemybaby.com for a minimal monthly fee of $50.00. There is no upfront fee and no long-term contract.
There are no other fees unless you are matched. Prior to accepting any match all the associated fees will be laid out for you.
The average adoption will be between $35,000 and $39,000.